10 Tips for Increasing Transparency in Talent Acquisition or Landing a Job


COVID-19 dumped record numbers of jobless people into the unemployment pool, creating immense challenges for both candidates and hiring managers. Then everything changed in 2022, and candidates were back in the driver’s seat. Unemployment is low, but it’s still hard for employers to find the right employees, and just as hard for communicators to find higher-level positions.

What’s going on? Michael Deas explains the dynamics of today’s job market and offers 10 tips on how both hirers and hirees can improve their processes and get the right people in the right jobs faster.


About the Speaker

Michael Deas
I.deas Abound

Michael Deas photoMichael Deas, ABC, SCMP, has filled a number of diverse roles over his 38-year career: editor, missionary, translator, marketing manager, corporate communications manager, communications director, and marketing director. Currently, he is an independent communication consultant with I.deas Abound, a company he and his wife Colleen founded in Greenville, South Carolina, in 2015.

Deas has been a member of IABC for 26 years, a chapter president of IABC South Carolina, an Accredited Business Communicator since 2004, and a strategic communication management professional since 2018.

In 2020 he was named IABC Nashville’s Communicator of the Year. Deas has been recognized 20 times with awards for excellence in communication, including a Gold Quill and numerous Silver Quills. He has served the IABC Southern Region board and on several International Executive Board committees.

His passion is “common sense communication,” with an assiduous focus on audience, message, purpose, and medium–in that order.

Deas wide range of experience in both internal and external communication roles–for companies large and small, public and private, for-profit and nonprofit, on both sides of the Atlantic, in two languages–equips him with insight into the challenges facing today’s communicators.


When: Aug. 29  | Noon-1 p.m.

Where: Virtual via Zoom.