








June 7, 2016

Dear IABC/SC Members,

Some like Spring and Fall. Others like Winter. Here in famously-hot Columbia, I have a hard time finding anyone who likes Summer. For me, it’s baseball season — the best by far.

To begin, I plan to eliminate these common baseball metaphors from my writing and conversations.

* An unconventional or crazy idea will not be “out of left field.”

* A flawless success record will not be “batting a thousand.”

* When someone is trying to do something BIG, they will not be “swinging for the fences.”

* When a new product or competitor emerges, I will not call it a “new ballgame.”

Baseball related or not — what metaphors should you eliminate in order to increase connections and make your writing more clear? Please give it some thought and share with us on Twitter. Be sure to tag @IABCSC and use #metaphors.

PS. There is no IABC/SC luncheon for the month of June, but our leadership is busy getting things ready for our annual Palmetto Awards event. Look for the “Call for Entries” this week.

Kevin N. Floyd

IABC/SC President, 2016