March 1st, 2016

Dear IABC/SC Members,

Last month, I was lucky enough to travel to Long Beach, CA for IABC’s Leadership Institute with Patrick Cobb (AARP of SC) and Alison Shuman (Farm Bureau Insurance). It’s always great to gather with folks who do the same kinds of work, but for different companies in different parts of the world. I learned a lot and shared a lot.

Michael Ambjorn, IABC’s International Chair, led a session on Appreciative Inquiry and how it can help leadership growth. Michael did a fantastic job. But, what made it most memorable and productive for me was his quick, off-the-cuff decision to leave the conference room for the sunshine and breeze offered by the hotel’s waterfront terrace. There was just something about the change of scenery and fresh air that seemed to give us all a jolt of energy.

Being outside that Saturday morning brought back memories of teaching and similar success I found when allowing my first-grade class to sit outside in the grass for silent reading. Even the kids who hated books sat still for much, much longer than they would normally.

As I type this, I’m looking out the window at what is shaping up to be a sunny, 70-degree day in South Carolina. I’m not sure how many times I will take advantage of our climate this spring. But, one thing is for sure — I’ll be looking for chances to go for a long walk at lunch or sit out in the sun to read or write. A little change of scenery always makes me more productive.

I encourage you to do the same. Reap the natural benefits. Get out of the break room and don’t eat lunch at your desk. If you are not the outside type, maybe you need to rearrange your office or cubicle, or work at the library for an afternoon.

If you are the boss, there’s no excuse. If you aren’t the boss, what’s the harm in asking? To make it easier, a permission slip is below.

Kevin N. Floyd

   Dear Boss,

   May I increase my productivity today by working outside?

                                              YES  ____                                              NO   ____